Jesus, Disciple, Mission, Church (JDMC) is reaching further and is showing signs of effectiveness. The pace is definitely picking up. The material is starting to be used in Nottingham and I'm going through it with two groups in St Neots. One of my friends, John, is really fired up about it and may soon explore ways to reach others here in the town (he's planning to go out and deep). Copies are being downloaded around the world and I have no idea how these are being used, nor do I know if others are distributing or modifying the material.
I'm working on a new version that expands on two related areas, the work of the Holy Spirit in guiding us as we explore Alan Hirsch's six forgotten ways, and more about APEST (the five gifts of service mentioned in Ephesians 4:11). These are not core parts of the material, but I hope and expect that they will answer some of the questions that arise when people study JDMC.
I'm very encouraged by what I'm seeing, particularly that individuals and groups are now beginning to put some of the ideas into practice. This is one of the basic principles and seems to be something that people are quite reluctant to do.
And finally I am seeing JDMC reaching places that were not accessible to The Forgotten Ways Handbook. My hope here is that some of those tackling JDMC will want to move on to further reading and study, including the handbook.
In the end, it's all about Jesus. He is the One at the centre, and whatever we do must be for the praise of his glory.
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