How many different ways can we forget about this? It's arguably the least forgotten of Alan Hirsch's 'forgotten ways', but even so we may put many other things at the centre. Our lives may be focussed on our job, a training program, a favourite sports team, our marriage, our home or garden or car. We can put volunteering to help people ahead of Jesus, we can even put reading the Bible or having a regular prayer time ahead of Jesus, we can put being a good pastor or elder or teacher ahead of Jesus.It's extremely important that Jesus is at the heart of our lives, both individually and in church life too. If we don't get this foundation right we cannot be built into what he wants us to be. What would happen if you built a house of heavy stones but didn't have proper foundations?
Aiming for the centre
It's not that any of these things is wrong in itself, it's just that it's wrong for any of them to nudge Jesus away from the centre of all we are and think and say and do. There are few believers who would claim Jesus should be anywhere but at the centre. The problem is there may be a disconnect between what we think or say and what we do.
This is a tricky issue to deal with. It may be hard even to see that there is an issue! This part of JDMC asks challenging questions to get us thinking in new ways and finding answers individually and together.
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