Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Start a bandwagon


Jesus - Start small, begin with one thing - or rather, start with one person - Jesus. Is he at the centre of your life? Is anyone or anything else trying to share that place with him?

Check out 'Jesus at the centre' in JDMC.


Disciple - Next, you'll need to make sure you are the best disciple you can possibly be. Jesus may not stay at the centre of your life if you are not following him.

Check out 'Becoming disciples' in JDMC.


Mission - Next, you'll need more people so make sure you are the best disciple you can possibly be and then go out and make some more. This step might take some time. Tip - hurry to make a start but don't hurry to finish.

Check out 'Outward and integrated' in JDMC.


Church - Yay! Let's build a church. No, no, hang on a mo. We don't need to put any effort into this step. Why not? Well, because it's not my job or yours. Jesus said he would build the church. Go back to J, D and M, over and over again. This will sow the seeds of church. With the right conditions, church will grow. But surely we need to be doing something? Well, no actually. But it helps to understand the foundations and the mechanism that enables church to grow and mature. You're going to be like a farmer, you provide the right environment and you watch the seed germinate and grow. You don't interfere, that will just disturb the seeds and stop them growing.

Check out 'Gifts for building' and 'A living organism' in JDMC.

Jesus, Disciple, Mission, Church - JDMC - jdmc.scilla.org.uk

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