Measure everything you do against what Jesus taught. And to get to grips with that teaching,
read and think about the parables and topics like prayer, money and the kingdom; go
through the Sermon on the Mount thoroughly. (Matthew 5:1-7:29) Do your best to absorb
these truths into your daily life and expect to be deeply affected by them.
A New Testament papyrus |
Reading the gospels on a steady cycle is one idea, aim to read some verses every day. If
possible read the same passages as other people you know so you can talk about what you
read and share insights. Get as many people as possible to join in. Study one of the gospels
in depth from time to time. Studying a gospel can be done together or it might be made the
topic for a teaching series.
When you read other parts of the New Testament, read them with the life, words,
actions and nature of Jesus as the framework. Let Jesus be the source of light that makes the
entire New Testament clear to you. And when you read the Old Testament books, look for
Jesus there as well. Interpret everything with Jesus' teachings and actions in mind.
Discuss – Talk together about practical ways you might spend more time in
the gospels. They focus on Jesus and they'll help you do the same. What
could you do individually? Even better, what could you do together?
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