Monday, November 3, 2014

JDMC? Shouldn't it be JCMD?

Hmm... Jesus, Disciple, Mission, Church.

OK, I understand why Jesus comes first, few people would argue with that. But surely the other three are in the wrong order? Why didn't you have Church second because until you have a church how can you do mission? And Mission has to come before Disciple, because the purpose of mission is to make disciples and build more churches.

Well, that's how people would normally see it. But think about it like this...

Jesus, as you rightly say, comes first. Without him there can be no disciples, no mission and no church. But Jesus didn't build churches or plant missions. Instead, he made disciples. The very first thing he did when he began his work was to call disciples (we actually talk about 'The Twelve Disciples'). And right before he returned to the Father, Jesus told the remaining eleven, 'Go into the world and make disciples' (Matthew 28:19). Does he mention churches? Does he mention missions?

Yes, I see. So it's Jesus first, then disciples. But surely it's church next and then mission?

Is it? I'm not so sure. Jesus sent the disciples out in pairs to... build churches? Actually, he sent them out to share the good news about the kingdom, and to offer peace to anyone who would welcome them and their message. Does that sound like church? Or does it sound like mission?

So where does church happen, then?

Well, if mission results in groups of people helping and encouraging one another in following Jesus, perhaps we could call that church. That's what Paul called church.

I see. So it's 'Jesus, Disciple, Mission, Church'?

Yes, I think so. That's the way Jesus meant it to be. And it seems to be the way Paul did things, too.

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